2010年8月22日 星期日

CentOS 5.2 使用 YUM 將 PHP 5.1.6 更新到 5.2.6


CentOS 5.2 版內建的 PHP 版本為 5.1.6,甚至於 5.3 版仍舊是 5.1.6 版本。

基於系統元件的完整,我就不採用編譯的方式來更新 PHP,而是計畫使用 YUM 來進行 PHP的更新。但是,使用 YUM 更新時卻又發現 CentOS 官網或映設站台的 PHP 仍舊是 5.1.6 版,參拜了 Google 大神後,發現國外論壇有人提供下載更新的套件,安裝後可以透過 YUM 更新。不過,因為是公司的主機,所以必須注重安全性,對於不明來源的下載網址,通常得拒於千里之外。

繼續參拜 Google 大神後,終於找到一篇討論文章,修改 YUM 設定後,就可以透過 YUM 從官網更新 PHP 到 5.2.6 版。



name=CentOS-5 Testing

上述設定網址都指向官方網站,我可以放心更新 PHP。存檔後,下達更新命令:

# yum update php*

更新完畢後以 PHP命令檢視版本:

# php -v

PHP 5.2.6 (cli) (built: Sep 15 2008 20:41:01)
Copyright (c) 1997-2008 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Zend Technologies
with Zend Extension Manager v1.2.2, Copyright (c) 2003-2007, by Zend Technologies
with Zend Optimizer v3.3.3, Copyright (c) 1998-2007, by Zend Technologies

2010年2月7日 星期日

yum 指令介紹

YUM - Yellowdog Updater Modified

YUM 官方網站:

yum 指令介紹
更新:yum update
安裝:yum install xxx
移除:yum remove xxx
清除已經安裝過的檔案(/var/cache/yum/):yum clean all
搜尋:yum search xxx
列出所有檔案:yum list
查詢檔案訊息:yum info xxx

yum grouplist
yum groupinstall "Web Server"

rpm -qc yum
more /var/log/yum.log

利用 yum 指令更新 CentOS
yum check-update;yum -y update;yum clean all

yum check-update 是找 mirror 上有啥你可以更新的
yum -y update 是開始更新,並在出現尋問的時候直接回答 y
yum clean all 是清除你剛剛更新時下載的 package

安裝 CentOS 5.x

CentOS 官方網站:

台灣的幾個 Mirrors:

2010年1月31日 星期日

Cover Creation

Cover creation from Peter Belanger on Vimeo.

After working on the latest cover for Macworld Magazine I wanted to show what is involved in making a cover. I focused on the three main areas: the photography, photoshop and design. I chose a time lapse format to convey lots of information in a small amount of time. The only drawback of time lapse is that since half a day goes by in 30 seconds, the whole process seam so easy! Lots of details were left out of the design process (like the cover meetings and rounds of layout options). I began to photograph the design process after the layouts had already been narrowed down to just three cover designs.

On the technical side, for the time lapse video, I used the Canon 5D Mark II with a 24mm-70mm zoom. I chose the 5D because of its great image quality with high ISO's. Canon's sRAW1 gave me the flexibility of a RAW file with the file size of a jpeg. The actual Macworld cover was taken with a Phase One P65+ digital back attached to a 4x5 Sinar X camera with a 65mm lens.

Many thanks to Rob Schultz for allowing me to invade his office and literally shoot over his shoulder.

The music was used with permission by The Brokenmusicbox.